



[分享] 腰椎间盘突出症治疗的循证医学综述(中英对照版)1/4

这奢望 发表于 2013-6-2 14:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 湖南长沙


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Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: An Evidence-Based Review

Wayne Moschetti, MD, Adam M. Pearson, MD, MS, and William A. Abdu, MD, MS
Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective observational cohort studies have compared surgical to conservative treatment for patients with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation. Whereas no RCT has been able to compare surgery with nonop¬erative treatment without substantial crossover between treatment groups, multiple RCTs and observational studies have suggested that surgery resulted in faster improvement and a greater degree of improvement compared with nonoperative treatment. However, many patients in these studies also experienced improvement with nonoperative care without adverse sequelae. This paper critically reviews the literature comparing surgery with nonoperative treatment for lumbar disc herniation. Semin Spine Surg 21:223-229 © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
KEYWORDS Maine lumbar spine study, Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial, sciatica, intervertebral disc herniation, low back pain, lumbar disc herniation

关键词 缅因州腰椎研究;脊柱患者治疗结果研究试验;坐骨神经痛;椎间盘突出;腰痛;腰椎间盘突出

ciatica is defined as pain radiating in an area of the leg that is served by a single nerve root in the lumbar or sacral spine and may be associated with motor or sensory deficits. A lumbar intervertebral disc herniation (IDH) is the most com¬mon cause of sciatica in working adults, with an estimated annual incidence of 5 per 1000 adults.1,2 Diskectomy is the most common lumbar spine surgery, and more than 250,000 elective lumbar spine surgeries occur each year in the USA.3 Many patients with sciatica will improve over time, yet sur¬gery is frequently considered for patients with severe symp¬toms or symptoms that persist. Most spine surgeons agree that surgery should be offered only after a course of nonop¬erative treatment for sciatica has failed. The most effective type and duration of conservative treatment has not been determined and varies substantially.4 In the USA, the rate of back surgery was found to be approximately 40% higher when compared with 11 other countries and was more than five times the rate in England and Scotland.1 There is also significant regional variation in the rate of diskectomy in the USA and internationally, suggesting that the indications for surgery are also variable.3,5 Given this substantial variation in the rate of surgery, it is clear that the appropriate timing of and indications for surgery are inconsistent. The economic impact of back pain and sciatica is well known as demonstrated by a Dutch study concluding that low back pain was responsible for more time off work and disability than any other medical condition.6 In light of the uncertainty sur¬rounding the outcomes of surgical and nonoperative treat¬ment for lumbar IDH, this article aims to review the pertinent literature to assist spine care professionals in providing evi¬dence-based recommendations to their patients.

Weber’s Classic Randomized Control Trial
In 1983, from a single referral center in Norway, Weber7 published the first randomized control trial (RCT) comparing surgery and nonoperative treatment for patients with a her¬niated lumbar disc and radicular symptoms. Excluding pa¬tients with “intolerable” pain and those with “no indication” for operative intervention, this paper looked at 126 patients with “uncertain” indications for surgical treatment. These pa¬tients were randomized to surgical or nonoperative treatment. Follow-up examination was performed at 1, 4, and 10 years. Those undergoing surgery improved significantly more on a descriptive outcome scale (good, fair, poor, bad) compared with those treated nonoperative at the 1-year follow-up examination. Sixty-five percent of surgical patients had a “good” outcome compared with 36% in the nonoperative group. At the 4-year follow up, the surgical patients still showed better results (70% “good” outcome vs 51% for nonoperative patients), but the dif¬ference was no longer statistically significant. Only minor changes took place during the last 6 years of the study.

Weber’s study represented the first effort to perform a prospective RCT comparing surgery with nonoperative treat¬ment for IDH. Similar to subsequent RCTs, this study was affected by a substantial number of patients crossing over from nonoperative treatment to surgery. In the first year after randomization, 17 of the 66 patients (26%) assigned to non-operative treatment underwent surgery while 1 patient as¬signed to surgery refused and was treated nonoperatively. Weber performed both an intention to treat (ITT) and an as-treated analysis, with similar results for the 2 analyses. By today’s standards, this study would seem limited by vague inclusion criteria, antiquated imaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was not routinely obtained in the assessment of patients), and a lack of validated outcomes and power analysis. However, 10-year follow-up for a similar RCT has not been accomplished by any subsequent study, and its findings are similar to more modern studies.
译者注:意向治疗分析(intention to treat analysis, ITT)、接受治疗分析(as-treated analysis)和效力分析都是RCT相关的三种重要的分析方法。

Modern RCTs
In a smaller, more recent, RCT with shorter follow-up, Osterman et al8 attempted to assess the effectiveness of microdiskectomy for lumbar disc herniation. Fifty-six patients with a lumbar disc herniation, clinical findings of nerve root compression, and radicular pain lasting 6-12 weeks were randomized to microdiskectomy or an isometric physical therapy program. In this study, no clinically or statistically significant differences between the groups in leg or back pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI), or quality of life were noted at the 2-year follow-up. Compared with the nonoperative patients, the surgery group improved significantly more on the leg pain visual analog scale (VAS) at 6 weeks and was more likely to be satisfied with their treatment at all follow-up visits other than at 1 year. In a subgroup analysis, patients with an L4-L5 disc herniation (n = 28) improved more with surgery than with nonoperative treatment on all outcome measures. Those with an L5-S1 herniation (n = 28) improved to a similar degree with surgery and nonoperative treatment. Shortcomings of this study include the small sample size and the 36% crossover from nonoperative treatment to surgery. The authors reported that the study was powered to detect a 15 point change on the VAS, while the observed differences were 9 points on leg pain and 10 points on back pain at 2 years. These differences may have been clinically meaningful, but the study was not sufficiently powered to detect them. In addition, 10 out of 28 (36%) patients in the control group crossed over to surgery and were analyzed according to the ITT principle. As such, a beneficial treatment effect of surgery may have been obscured due to crossover. The authors did note that an as-treated analysis revealed no significant differences, however, the nonoperative group included only 17 patients after the crossover occurred, limiting power even further.

A recent RCT by Peul et al9 compared early microdiskectomy with prolonged nonoperative treatment followed by surgery if needed (Table 1). This study randomized 283 pa tients to early surgery or prolonged nonoperative treatment. Patients were 18-65 years old, had sciatica for 6-12 weeks before enrollment and had MRI-confirmed disc herniations that correlated with their symptoms. The primary outcome measures were the Roland Disability Questionnaire for Sciatica, VAS for leg pain and 7-point Likert scale of perceived recovery, with recovery defined as complete or nearly complete disappearance of symptoms. Eighty-nine percent of patients assigned to early surgery underwent surgery at a median of 1.9 weeks. The other 16 patients initially assigned to surgery had recovered before undergoing surgery. Of the patients assigned to prolonged nonoperative care, 39% un-derwent surgery at a median of 14.6 weeks. All the patients were followed for 52 weeks.

There were no differences in the primary outcome measures at 1 year in the ITT analysis. Not surprisingly, the early surgery group improved more rapidly than the prolonged nonoperative care group. This was quanti&#64257;ed by comparing the areas under the curves for the Roland Disability Questionnaire and the leg pain VAS over the 52-week follow-up. This analysis revealed no signi&#64257;cant differences for the Roland Disability Questionnaire, whereas the results for leg pain favored early surgery. The Kaplan–Meier curve comparing time with recovery also showed signi&#64257;cantly faster recovery for the early surgery group (median recovery time 4.0 weeks for early surgery vs 12.1 weeks for prolonged nonoperative care, P < 0.001), though about 95% of patients in each group had recovered by 1 year. It should be noted that about 10% of the nonoperative treatment group reached recovery between 50 and 52 weeks, so the curves were substantially different until the &#64257;nal follow-up. In a subgroup analysis, a Cox proportional hazards model demonstrated that the only subgroup that did not bene&#64257;t from early surgery was patients whose sciatica was not provoked by sitting.

This study was a high quality RCT that had well-de&#64257;ned inclusion and exclusion criteria, validated outcomes, and very low attrition. However, rather than comparing the results of surgery and nonoperative treatment, it compared the results of early surgery vs continued conservative care followed by later surgery if necessary. This study focused on evaluating the optimal timing of surgery, not the ef&#64257;cacy of surgery. The study does convincingly suggest that diskectomy can be avoided in many patients who satisfy the indications for surgery without any long-term harm. By contrast, it also indicates that patients who value a quicker recovery are best treated with early diskectomy. The limitations of the study included the inability to blind patients or researchers to the treatment received, the lack of standardization of conservative care, and the high cross-over rate.
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