对于肩周炎患者,我们经常教导患者一些自我锻炼的方法,让其回家做功课。对于爬墙、钟摆运动,毛巾体操、棍操等早已被广大医务人员以及患者所熟知,而对于肩关节的自我松动方法这样一个行之有效、便捷的方法,往往不为大家所知。 Self-mobilization techniques.
Teach the patient the following techniques for a home program:
• Caudal glide.Patient position and procedure:
Sitting on a firm surface and grasping the fingers under the edge. He or she then leans the trunk away from the stabilized arm (Fig. 1).
Caudal glide
• Anterior glide.Patient position and procedure:
Sitting with both arms behind or lying supine supported on a solid surface. He or she then leans the body weight between the arms (Fig. 2).
Anterior glide
• Posterior glide. Patient position and procedure:
Prone, propped up on both elbows. The body weight shifts downward between the arms(Fig. 3).