姚鑫 发表于 2021-4-1 13:28


作业治疗(Occupation Therapy,OT):协助残疾者和患者选择、参与、应用有目的和有意义的活动,以到达最大限度地恢复躯体、心理和社会方面的功能,增进健康,预防能力的丧失及残疾的发生,以发展为目的,鼓励他们参与及贡献社会。

1、Shuffle cards and deal one by one. 洗牌

2、Practice lacing and tying a bow on a shoe.处理鞋带

3、Tie knots and untie them.系、解领带

4、Pick up coins, buttons, marbles or othermiscellaneous objects from a "junk drawer." (Try sorting objects in to small containers.) Try using tweezers to do this.拾起硬币、按钮、弹珠等,或者试着用镊子。
5、Take a handful of coins, marbles, seeds, nuts, bolts,etc. and try to drop them from your hand at one time.尝试扔硬币、石子、螺栓...

6、Hold an object in your hand and rotate it in as many directions as possible.握住一样东西,然后不同方向旋转。
7、Squeeze clay into a ball or rollit on a table into a "snake." (You can buy special thera puttyfor this.) Or print out these exercisesheets: one, two, or three.把泥土捏成一团,或在桌上滚成一条“蛇”。(你可以买特别的腻子。)或者打印出一些练习题:一,二,或三。
8、Crumble a piece of paper or cloth into a small ball with one hand.碎纸或者包裹小球
9、Button and unbutton buttons.扣、解纽扣
10、Open and close safety pins;try making a chain.安全使用别针
11、Screw and unscrew large/small wingnuts from bolts.拧螺丝
12、Use a screwdriver inboth hands and practice screwing/unscrewing various sized screws. 用螺丝刀拧螺丝
13、Put away the silverware fromthe dishwasher. 使用洗碗机
14、Play dominoes/checkers/Scrabble/jigsaws etc. Stack checkers or coins ashigh as possible. Make a house of cards.玩多米诺骨牌等游戏

15、Do any handicraft of your choice: macrame, woodwork, tile projects, model kits, knitting, etc.做一些手工品
16、Put a key into lock andturn it back and forth. 钥匙开锁
17、Unscrew lids of jars.开罐
18、Turn a door handle. 开门手柄
19、Pour water into a jug andthen pour it from the jug and into a cup. 倒水
20、Write or type something -- anything. You print out these worksheets to practice your handwriting: practice cursive or practiceprinting. 练习写字

蓉儿hr 发表于 2021-6-28 06:40


吃土豆的兔子 发表于 2021-8-9 15:37

蓉儿hr 发表于 2021-06-28 06:40


aikangfu 发表于 2021-8-11 09:34

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查看完整版本: 作业治疗常用20个手功能康复训练任务,务必收藏!
