医学训练疗法Medical training Therapy戚军
定义:是一种治疗理念,其主要目标是通过有系统计划性的改变负重和间歇的训练、重建、维持和提高受损的人体功能和结构,帮助机体重新激活生理反应。 MTT can be defined as a treatment concept which targets on restoration, maintaining and improving affected functions and structures of the human body and organism with the help of physicalmotoric activity and systematic pre-programmed change of loading and resting when applying training exercises
The treatment concept of MTT can be characterized on the following unique points
1.Active movements and exercises done by the patient without assistance of a therapist.
2. To apply MTT efficiently and reach the optimal outcome, MTT training has to be systematic planned and applied to the patient according to training principles and long-term periodisation.
3.The MTT training plan has to consider the patients status in regard of
个体化的医学诊断结果 Individual medical diagnosis
常规生理情况和状态 General physical condition/status of the patient
个体化的能力和允许的生理负荷 Individual capable and allowed physical loading
个体化的活动范围 Individual range of motion (ROM)
疼痛情况 Pain situation
1. 一次最大力量测试 test
可以利用该测试为患者确定练习的重量。 Besides the method of subjective rating the 1-repetion maximum method is used to determine the right exercise weight for the patient. The 1 rep test can be applied in MTT, if the patient shows.
热身 Adaption – pre-training
强度 Intensity 20-30 %
每组重复次数 Repetitions per set15-40
每个训练周期组数Sets per training session 3-6
每组间休息时间Rest time between sets 30 -45
训练速度 Training speed 慢 Slow
力量耐力训练 Strength endurance training
强度 Intensity 40-50 %
每组重复次数 Repetitions per set 15-30
每个训练周期组数 Sets per training session 3-6
每组间休息时间 Rest time between sets 30 –60
训练速度 Training speed 慢-中Slow - moderate
肌肉间协调性训练Intermuscular training
强度 Intensity 40-50 %
每组重复次数 Repetitions per set 15-30
每个训练周期组数Sets per training session 3-6
每组间休息时间 Rest time between sets 30 –60
训练速度 Training speed 慢-中Slow - moderate
肌肉增强训练 Hypertrophy training
强度 Intensity 60-85 %
每组重复次数 Repetitions per set 6-12
每个训练周期组数 Sets per training session 3-5
每组间休息时间 Rest time between sets 90-180
训练速度 Training speed 慢-中Slow - moderate
肌肉力量训练 Intramuscular training
强度Intensity 80-95 %
每组重复次数 Repetitions per set 1-6
每个训练周期组数 Sets per training session 3-6
每组间休息时间 Rest time between sets 180-300 secs
训练速度Training speed 快速 Fast - explosive
controlling via submaximum test
为了避免最大力量可能会给受损伤部位带来再次受伤的风险,治疗师可以使用亚极限力量测试来确定训练的强度和重量 。
To avoid a maximum stress on an injured body structure to determine intensity and weight for a MTT training therpapist can use the method of submaximum strength testing.